Thursday, September 10, 2009

President Obama: Are there premium limits?

Was it there? We heard about limits on out of pocket expenses, inclusion of those with pre existing conditions, the requirement of insurance, but what about how much insurers can charge for policies for those with pre existing conditions?

President Obama must next address how, what, and if limits will be placed on what insurers can charge to those individuals who have pre existing conditions or we are likely to end up with special needs groups of individuals paying exorbitant premium amounts for coverage because of such pre existing conditions. Individuals with such pre existing conditions will be unable to maintain payments for health insurance. Funneling those who cannot afford to pay these into the public option means that the public insurance alternative must base eligibility on the percentage of income required to purchase health insurance coverage rather than income as a sole factor determining eligibility. This means that the public option must be more than a bare bones option in order for the President to successfully maintain the idea that health insurance helps to improve health rather than continuing the idea that "having insurance" is a justifiable tax for individuals whose coverage will not help them pay for needed medical care.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Join in this debate. Conservatives are taking over: Should Americans have equal access to health care? Good or Bad?.-What do you think?