Thursday, January 21, 2010

WHY ARE DEMOCRATS FED UP WITH OBAMA? Scott Brown Should Not Be the Lightning Rod to Measure President Obama

A new year and a new disappointment for Democrats who voted in this President based on his singular promise to make sure that each of us would have the opportunity to choose health plans as good as his and other members' of Congress. Empty words, and too many words (exact page count of this Health Care Bill?) that have left most of us fuming at the commitment our government has shown to preserving itself as a huge and growing lumbering reminder that our institutions have exploited US citizens to preserve their own dominance in controlling, manipulating and meting out scraps to the people who placed them in power.

After the "surprise" election of Scott Brown to the Senate, NOW we're hearing about the millions of dissatisfied Democrats? The wake up call to the President is that it should NOT have taken an election for him to step up and acknowledge that he's losing ground. Mr. President, you're making a mess. Go back to those who elected you and answer why your ego demands a bill called health care reform that excludes the very options, the public option that was the hope of which you spoke during your candidacy? Why does your bill sound like a regurgitation of John McCain's leper colony policies where those of us who dare to get sick are placed in Special Needs pools that have no limits on what they can charge? Why are you patting your own back that we can't be denied insurance without acknowledging the fact that without caps on how much we can be charged this option means less than nothing? If these key promises are not part of your health bill, only your ego will be happy with the proposed legislation.

Thank you Scott Brown for providing the opportunity for this President to get his act together instead of preparing for re-election by ignoring his continued failure and holding out ten years after your programs as the soonest when their success or failure can be measured. This carrot and the stick is a great scam and if nothing else, the President must stop telling Americans to wait and see what happens ten years down the road. Been there, done that, living in terrible economic times while the banks we bailed out give charity to Haiti and bonuses to their staff.

President Obama was never this Democrat's first choice because he was the same old thing, reform government by addressing the needs of our poorest Americans, ignore the super rich and assume that the middle class can continue to support this nonsense. Terrible disappointment.

So where do they go from here? President Obama is not going to alter his course, like George Bush, he's isolated himself from an American population whom he assumes will hand him the reins of this country for another four years. The biggest question is who the Republicans will run because only those who dislike the Republican candidate more will vote Obama again.

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